You may log the numerical data displayed in the analysis window to a csv (comma, separated values) file that can be viewed with MS Excel (or other spread-sheet program). The variables shown in the .csv file are described in section 2.7. If a variable value is greater than the reference set’s 95 percentile limit, it appears in red in the log file; if less than the 5 percentile limit it appears in green, in all other cases, it appears in black (either within the limits or if no reference set was assigned). A list of analysis values is provided in section 6.3.


4.3.1  Logging data into a .csv file

·            Check that the desired .csv file has been selected. Do this by passing the mouse arrow over either of the two icons . A hint will appear (write values to….) listing the last log file used. For normal subjects, set this to Normal subjects.csv, for example. The default file on delivery is called AnalVal.csv).

·            To write the numeric values for all the data you have retrieved to a .csv file, use the icon with two pages and a red  tick. Using the icon with only one page and a red tick  will log the data of the currently open and selected window printer icon.

·            To export a .csv file to Excel via SwayStar™ in order to view the data click on the icon . SwayStar™ directs Excel to open the exported file.

·            To select a new log file, click the icon .

·            If you selected a file that already exists as a new log file, you will be asked if you want to reinitialize it. Answer NO if you do not want to initialize the file (as is usually the case); YES, otherwise.)

Once the values are written to the log file the icons are shown in the disabled state .

If for the current data window there are pending modification indicated by the Save or Reset icons  both “Write values ..” icons will be displayed in their inactive state . If modification are pending for a different but the current window than the “Write values ..” icons are shown in active state for “the current” respectively inactive state for “the all” .


4.3.2  Viewing and Exporting the .csv Log File to a Spreadsheet

To export the current .csv log file to a spreadsheet such as MS Excel, or to view the file, click on the icon  (third to the right of the printer icon). Excel or the desired spreadsheet will automatically be opened. Values in the csv file will be followed by the symbols <,~, and > depending on whether the value is less than, within the range or greater than reference values, respectively (provided a reference value was assigned


Note: To save the file, do NOT select File/Save. You must perform the operation SAVE AS and give the file a new or old spreadsheet name. It should not be the same name end path used by SwayStar™ on opening MS Excel because SwayStar™ deletes this file in the working directory on reopening the program.